Categories for First Time Home Buyers

Trying To Buy a Home? Hang in There.

We’re still in a sellers’ market. And if you’re looking to buy a home, that means you’re likely facing some unique challenges, like difficulty finding a home and volatile mortgage rates. But keep in mind, there are some benefits to being a buyer in today’s market that give you good ...

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How Homeownership Is Life Changing for Many Women

Throughout Women’s History Month, we reflect on the impact women have in our lives, and that includes impact on the housing market. In fact, since at least 1981, single women have bought more homes than single men each year, and they make up 17% of all households. Why Is Homeownership So Important to Women? The ...

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Why Buying a Home Is a Sound Decision

If you’re thinking about buying a home, you want to know the decision will be a good one. And for many, that means thinking about what home prices are projected to do in the coming years and how that could impact your investment. This year, we aren’t seeing home prices fall dramatically. As the year goes ...

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Reasons To Consider Condos in Your Home Search

Are you having trouble finding a home that fits your needs and your budget? If so, you should know there’s an option worth considering – condominiums, also known as condos. According to Bankrate: “A condo can be a more affordable entry point to homeownership than a single-family home. And as a homeowner, you’ll build equity over ...

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